From: Maria Ingardia-Brody
Brooklyn, NY
Hi, I’m Maria Ingardia-Brody, co-founder of Transformational Gangstas.
I’ve got a free e-book for you called Breaking Free: From Mobster to Mentor that’s going change your life. The book was written from years and years of my personal experiences. One night, I was reading my dairies and my wife Sheila said to me, “these are really amazing stories, you should really share these with the world.”
I have to admit, I never thought of sharing my personal stories of living with child abuse with other people. They were my own personal Omertà and I felt embarrassed by sharing them. But then, Sheila told me that people would connect with these stories and be helped by them.
I knew she was right so I decided to write the book. I needed to become okay with being vulnerable and sharing stories of all the belt beatings, the times I was sent to my room to think about what I had done, and the times I tried to cut the pain out of me.
If you want to read an inspirational story that shows you that you can overcome anything to achieve your goals and live your BEST life, then you need this free e-book because, among other things, I share about